Telehealth platform to optimise & monitor kidney stones treatment.

Allowing faster & better care.

Artificial Intelligence Driven Electronic Water Assistance (AIDEWA®) provides diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms according to international guidelines and respecting the principles of evidence-based medicine.


Increase life quality of more patients

About 12% of people have the misfortune to experience the pain of kidney stones at some point in their lives. And of those, about half relapse due to lack of proper follow-up of their therapy.

We want to help as many people as possible to avoid repeating this unpleasant experience. And our platform is the perfect partner for the healthcare provider.

That’s why we developed the first medical-approved AI platform for nephrologists, urologists, and doctors.

Request a demo

How does it work?

EVA app & bottle

The patient logs their water intake and urine composition through the user-friendly EVA app or automatically tracks water intake through our EVA bottle and app.

AIDEWA dashboard

You as a healthcare professional have an overview of your patients and can access this data in a user-friendly way. Making it easy to optimize the therapy and have consultations all integrated within the platform.

AIDEWA A.I. algorithms

The real magic begins with our ethical A.I. assistant that helps you with tasks such as reminders, warnings, and suggestions with more features to be released in the future.

Let our ethical A.I. assist you.

Improve efficacy and overall life quality of patients.

Monitor your
patients with AI.

Our AI shows where extra attention is needed thus reducing unneeded consultations.


By tracking the patient’s water intake & urine composition you can improve the efficacy of treatment and their quality of life.


Save time by consulting your patients through a remote video consultation. Integrated right in the platform.

Therapeutic education.

Personalised information curated by healthcare professionals to better understand the conditions and further reduce the risk for kidney stone recurrence.

It doesn’t stop there…

Overview of
all your patients

Get an efficient overview of your active patients and provide follow-up where needed.

Connect patient,
caregiver and smart

Our A.I. shows where extra attention is needed thus reducing unneeded consultations.


Our cloud-based solutions are scalable and encapsulated with the highest security standards.

Integration with
existing platforms

We provide thight integration with existing platforms.


Connect to your patient instantly by sending them questionnaires and integrating them into specific studies.

Participate in

We involve all of our healthcare partners closely in the development process. We’re happy to listen to your feedback and work on a solution together.

Request a demo.


  • Schedule a meeting through the website
  • 1-on-1 live demo session with Q&A
  • Access to our demo platform afterwards
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